What is a project monitoring cycle?

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Project monitoring cycle plays an important role in ensuring successful project outcomes. In the world of project management, this cycle involves a systematic process of observing, assessing, measuring and evaluating the progress of the project from the very beginning to the completion.

Related: What is Project Monitoring

What Are The Key Components of the Project Monitoring Cycle?

1. Initiation Phase:

This phase is where the outline of the project, the steps and process are made. 

  • Define project goals, objectives, and scope.
  • Identify key stakeholders and their expectations.
  • Establish a baseline for project planning.

2. Planning Phase:

At this point, the details of the process that must be performed in the execution phase is made. More like having a roadmap for measuring success and evaluating the project’s progress. 

  • Develop a detailed project plan, including timelines and milestones.
  • Allocate resources effectively and set performance indicators.
  • Create a communication plan to keep stakeholders informed.

3. Execution Phase:

This is the part where all the activities laid out are completed. This phase allows you to monitor the project’s progress and expenditures. 

  • Implement the project plan according to established guidelines.
  • Regularly collect and analyze performance data.
  • Address issues and risks as they arise to prevent delays.

4. Monitoring Phase:

This phase involves ensuring that the project is on track and all the tasks are completed. Monitoring is a continuous process. 

  • Continuously track project progress against the established baseline.
  • Evaluate key performance indicators to ensure they align with project objectives.
  • Monitor resource utilization and budget adherence.

5. Control Phase:

This phase puts you in control. It enables you to identify any issues and make needed corrections. 

  • Take corrective actions to address deviations from the plan.
  • Adjust timelines, resources, or scope if necessary.
  • Maintain effective communication channels to keep stakeholders informed.

6. Evaluation Phase:

Once the execution is done, assessment is made. This phase is about determining the degree of accomplishment and it also provides useful information for improvement in managing the project. 

  • Assess the overall project performance against initial goals.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of monitoring and control measures.
  • Capture lessons learned for future projects.

7. Closure Phase:

This phase assesses the overall performance of the project, confirming the alignment of the actual results with the objective. It tells whether the project has achieved the required outcomes. 

  • Confirm that all project deliverables have been met.
  • Conduct a final review of project performance.
  • Document and communicate project outcomes and lessons learned.

Throughout the project monitoring cycle, collaboration and communication are essential. Regularly meeting with the team, reporting the status of the project and receiving feedback contributes to the overall success of the project . 

In conclusion, the project monitoring cycle is indeed a cycle. It is a dynamic and continuous process that ensures projects stay on track, adapt to changes, and achieve the goal. As a project manager, being super familiar with the project management cycle will make decision making easier and effective. 

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